
ART CONTEST – WhEN we are sketching

“WhEN we are sketching” is a new creative art contest launched by  WaterEnergyNEXUS to find iconic original artwork depicting the event topics. In addition, the goal is to increase involvement of stakeholders in the conference issues using the power of art and image communication techniques, creating images that engage people with the emerging topics. In this contest, Science and Art combine to disseminate ideas on environmental sustainability.



For correct presentation of your proposals, the following guidelines should be followed:

Artwork dimensions: ISOA3 horizontal (420 x 297 mm) or vertical (297 x 420 mm).

Subject: The artwork must be inspired by one of the different main topics of the conference:

  • Nexus framework and governance (Nexus from the energy perspective; Nexus from the water perspective related to energy; Existing tools and models used to analyze the nexus; Land, climate and energy constraints on water use and food production; Governance challenges in the Water-Energy Nexus; Governance of innovation in renewable energies and mitigation of climate change impacts; Investment in energy and water infrastructure.)
  • Environmental technologies for sustainable water management (Water-energy nexus/energy saving technology; Nutrients/hazardous substances control; Water/wastewater technologies relevant to developing countries; Technology-driven or natural solutions for water use problems; Green technologies for sustainable water and wastewater management; Renewable/valuable resources for recovery and utilization; Wastewater/waste to energy)
  • Future clean energy technologies and systems under water constraints (Water needs in the energy systems such as power plants, fuel refineries, renewable energy development, and carbon capture & storage, etc.; Energy needs for water supply and agriculture: extraction, transportation, and disposal of water, livestock breeding, fertilizer production, irrigation, food transportation etc.; Agriculture and land-use impacts on future energy systems; Future urban energy systems considering water and food security)
  • Implementation and best practices (Technological innovations supporting secure global access to clean energy and water; Reduction in operational costs for water and wastewater utility through improvements in energy efficiency; Case studies of innovative technologies and policies in municipalities and industries for energy and water savings; Energy and water consumption and balancing flows of urban and industrial systems).

Style and Technique: you are invited to apply a contemporary style to your personal interpretation of the subject. There is no restriction on the technique used as long as the submitted file respects the guidelines.

Board Members: The commission for the evaluation of the artworks will be composed of the following international experts:

  • dr. Lucas Fabián Olivero (Argentina)
  • prof. Massimo Leserri (Colombia)
  • prof. Salvatore Barba (Italy)
  • prof. Jacques Laubscher (South Africa)
  • prof. Hugo Barros Costa (Spain)
  • prof. Marcel Sanchez (USA)

The selection of the winner by the committee will be the result of an irreproachable evaluation, and it will take into account originality, feasibility and consistency with the brief presented.

Submission: the artwork must be submitted along with the application form which should include all information on the artist. Artwork images are admissible in the following format: extension “TIF”, 300 dpi, A3 dimension, maximum size 25Mb (each). A title, an abstract of max 500 words and 3 keywords are required. All documents must be submitted in one zipped file. The authors intending to submit more than one artwork need to do so separately using individual submission forms. One artwork maximum per main topic is admissible from the same group of authors.

Language: All texts provided within the submission (title, abstract, and keywords) should be in English.



Upload phase: 20th October 2020 23:59 CET, extended to November 1st.

Committee voting: from 20th October 2020.

Winner announcement: during the conference (after closing word)



Participation is free of charge and open to artists and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older.

The award ceremony is scheduled on 4th December 2020 after the closing word. All artists of submitted artworks may attend online the closing event free of charge by reserving a place by email at info@waterenergynexus.org.



The best artwork representing each conference topic, as judged by the art contest committee, will receive awards. Decisions will be made based on the following criteria:

  • originality and newness;
  • feasibility and consistency with the topic presented;
  • effective communication of the central idea of the artwork.

Winners will receive after the conference a commemorative certificate and will be acknowledged during the closing event. All participants will have their work published after the conference in a commemorative art book which will include a brief biography of the winners. Selected works may be exhibited in international exhibitions set up in UNESCO heritage sites.